search tool:
. . . a search engine, page search tool or similar computer program used for searching online, i.e. searching the Web or inside websites.
You get search results when using a search tool. Click on the search-for-other-terms link after the .network logo below if you want to see an example. The logo is linked to information about the network. You can also see search results using the following tool. It searches inside the .network Site Location Assistance website. Either way, it's best to place the word define ahead of terms that you search for in the glossary, for example: define site selection
Before the time when we began to organize our important contacts with computer programs or through business networking media, such as Linkedin, there were handy search tools, such as the Rolodex, a rotary device for indexing business cards. Such a device likely continue in use where there is a need for searching off-line (define: online).