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enterprise development:

. . . a project. driven process directly related to operational continuity, improvement, and growth. It involves top-level decision makers taking risks to maintain and improve productivity, operational performance, efficiencies, and effectiveness and an enterprising organization. Enterprise development is a systematic approach to controlling growth, development and improvement of . . . purposeful or industrious activity organized to provide a service or product within an economy (source of quote)

The occurrence of enterprise development is most obvious when facilities are being expanded. Expansions, acquisitions, and relocations are indications of companies on the move. Relocations and expansions to new locations require site selection, a sub-process of enterprise development. Starting up new ventures requires site selection at some point.

Entrepreneurs are enterprise developers.

Continuous improvement is a component of enterprise development. So is the pursuit of a higher level of excellence by individuals as well as groups. Both involve human capital and corporate culture. In competitive environments, such as that of the free enterprise system, the voice of the customer speaks loud and clear. Enterprise development requires that those on the job at all levels in an organization understand VOC.

Quality initiatives are responses to competitive situations as well as VOC. Ignoring either puts jobs in jeopardy and threatens future job creation where . . . people live, work, and share things in common (source of quote). Initiatives to continuously improve with an aim towards quality and excellence can lead to enterprise and economic development.

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Economic Development Services, Inc. -- copyrights © and all rights reserved / 03/29/2014