
The Enterprise and Economic Development Glossary
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business location work :

... enterprise development specifically focused on planning and searching for a place or real estate to be used for expanding, relocating, or starting up (a new business venture). The process is known as site selection, site location work or location work.

Business location, refers to an address. The expression may also refer to some other identity of a location (location identity) where there are operations in place. Business location is sometimes used to identify services available or the work of ... choosing the optimal location for a business based on accessibility to and availability of customers as well as considerations as to space costs, size, and other physical characteristics, zoning regulations, investment tax credits, and the quality of the available workforce (source of quote).


related: business; enterprise; optimal location; retail location; corporate location work

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FYI: definition of business location work definition of business location definition of business site selection definition of business location services definition of business site location work definition of business location identity what is business location work that leads to economic development what is a business location consultant what are business location consultants definition of business location consulting services


Economic Development Services, Inc. / copyrights © and all rights reserved / 05/09/2011